My Journey

A simple girl born in Amritsar, I was inherently diligent, proactive and enthusiastic towards life. Be it academic or co-curricular activities I would indulge in everything with all my heart. A strong desire to do something remarkable in life was always burning within, since a very young age. The vicissitudes of life moulded me into a highly resilient and responsible individual. At a point when my family was going through a rough patch, I started tutoring students to attain some financial stability. After completing my education I started my career as a teacher and continued for about eight years. Simultaneously, I also imparted coaching to management students pursuing MBA in reputed Universities, trained B.Ed in-service and pre-service candidates and gradually moved on to provide assistance to PHD students in selecting topic and preparing presentation.
My close association with the student community exposed me to the various issues that our youth and their parents face, regarding the appropriate choices to be made vis-à-vis their career. A few of my students would discuss with me about such issues and seek advice, as they look up to teachers as the best guides. I had this innate ability to understand matters related to career choices and also had the power of observation to read through a person’s mind after a brief chat. Thus I always ended up providing some appropriate advice, which most of the time brought about a great success rate. My advice proved to be beneficial to many students, which earned me popularity and respect among quite a few parents and acquaintances. Gradually I realized that I had potential in the field of career counselling and embarked upon a path of self- improvement; where I resorted to extensive and intensive research in this area, to amass as much knowledge possible, as well as update myself with whatever recent changes that are brought about in the educational system of the country.
My urge to explore more in this field brought me to Delhi. Here I made a modest start in a Career Counselling institution and got an opportunity to get acquainted with the ground realities that prevailed. Career Counselling was being extensively misused as a business that was driven with the sole purpose of minting good money. Private institutions were imparting inaccurate and incorrect counsel to students and parents just to ensure admissions in the universities and colleges that they had partnerships with. The potential and interests of the candidate, the prospects of a career field, the challenges that may have to be encountered, the additional skills required , for better scope in the future, was not at all paid heed to. Whereas the purpose of Career Counselling is to help students choose a career path keeping all the aspects in consideration, like – one’s aptitudes, interests, scope of a particular field of study and financial condition.
Deep contemplation in this particular aspect for a few years, eventually led to the foundation of three organizations – Anglais, study overseas and school of skills development, Meraki school of higher education and Veridical technologies. Each organization deals with specific areas of counselling like study overseas and add on skills, Indian Universities and Colleges and IT trainings respectively. My purpose behind establishing these organisations was to be of service to young children in taking the right decision so as to build a secure career. So far there are thousands of children who have benefitted from our invaluable guidance and I wish to help transform the lives of candidates who are clueless about their future, with the support of my efficient and experienced team.

Plan Your Sessions As Per Your Need

Online Counselling

This mode of counselling is specially devised for the audience who do not reside in Delhi and NCR region, so that they can avail of our services.

Face 2 Face Counselling

Such sessions are quite effective as they are completely based on elaborate discussions among the participants to reach at a desirable conclusion.


One on One Counselling

Such sessions involve intensive interactions with an individual on a personal level and are conducted both on a virtual as well as physical mode.

Group Counselling

Such sessions are organized in schools and colleges, where general discussions on a particular area, are carried out among a specific peer group.

Career Oriented Approach

Modern Counselling

It is an advanced approach towards counselling, where the emotional, mental, intellectual and physical aspects of a person is considered.

Skills Training

Such sessions help in getting updated about the relevant skills required in an individual’s academic or professional arena to ensure future growth.

Job Opportunities

It is very ideal to get a fair idea about the prospects of a particular field of study before pursuing it for higher education to ensure a secure career.

Manage Your Mind And Emotions

Such sessions are specially designed to boost the confidence of individuals and rekindle their inner energies to enable them to move forward in life.

These are sessions which focus on dealing with certain disturbing dilemmas and formulating specific strategies to overcome the stress a person is going through.

It is very beneficial to get the advice of counsellors in handling emotional and mental setbacks that one faces when they unable to overcome anxiety issues.

Anger can ruin our life, if we are unable to keep it under our control. Getting guidance from counsellors is always useful to learn ways to manage it.

Challenges In Different Phases Of Life

Adolescent Counselling

This stage comes with its own complications and emotional upheavals, which can be eased out considerably through one on one intensive sessions.

Relationship Counselling

Relationships are generally quite vulnerable and problems may arise at any point of time. Sometimes when matters worsen, counselling can help resolve matters.

Social Disconnection

After the advent of digital media, both children and adults tend to distance themselves from society and need help to develop a bonding with people for a better life.

Self Growth And Development

Self – Transformation

Every person is flawed, but there are certain people who wish to work upon their weaknesses, for personal growth. For them such sessions are highly recommended.

Sessions On Positivity

It is always rewarding to take such sessions, when one feels low in life and needs to be infused with positivity to bounce back with renewed energy in life.

Sessions On Career Changes

Professionals may wish for a career change at a certain stage in life, when they feel stagnancy and dissatisfaction. Counselling helps in taking wise decisions.

Resolving Conflicts And Moulding
A Secure Career Path

Peer Peer Issue

Be it in school or college, students face a lot of peer pressure which leads to undesirable consequences. Proper counselling helps deal with such issues.

Teacher Student Issue

During the adolescent stage some students start having various issues with their teachers, which can be effectively resolved through conscious counselling.

Parent Child Issue

As children grow they develop a mindset of their own, leading to disagreements with parents on certain matters. Counselling sessions can ease out such tensions.

Academic Counselling

Some students lack the ability to decide which field of study they should choose for their higher education. Counselling helps in gaining complete clarity.

Career Counselling

Expert counselling is ideal for students, before choosing their career path, to ensure that they can be successful in moulding a safe and secure future.

Admission Counselling

When high schoolers plan for higher education, they need expert guidance in selecting an appropriate program that would ensure a fulfilling career.

Let the transformation begin.

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